Starting March 13 open Thursday – Monday – Ticket information
We the People Support Montpelier
Montpelier is the lifelong home of James Madison, Father of the Constitution, Architect of the Bill of Rights, and fourth President of the United States. As a monument to James Madison and the Enslaved Community, a museum of American history, and a center for constitutional education, Montpelier engages the public with the enduring legacy of Madison’s most powerful idea: government by the people.
Montpelier is more than just the home of one of America’s Founding Fathers. It’s a place where we can learn how our Constitution affects our everyday lives. It’s a site that brings its legacy of slavery out of the past and under the lens of our current understanding of the world we all inhabit. It’s an ongoing archaeological dig that tells us more about 18th-century life every day. It’s a destination for anyone who wants to know more about how the thinking of James Madison changed the world.
James Madison's Montpelier
11350 Constitution Highway, Montpelier Station, VA 22957
James Madison's Montpelier
11350 Constitution Highway, Montpelier Station, VA 22957
Your Support Matters
2025 Sponsorship Dolley Madison Legacy Luncheon
In celebration of Dolley Madison’s 257th birthday, please save the date and plan to join us on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 at James Madison’s Montpelier in Orange, VA as we continue our journey to honor Dolley Madison as the “first” First Lady and her many contributions to our country.
Consider the Constitution Podcast
Consider the Constitution is a new podcast from the Robert H. Smith Center for the Constitution at James Madison’s Montpelier.
Discovery history, savor freedom, and taste excellence with a Freedom and Whiskey Getaway in Orange County, Virginia!
A memorial to James Madison and the Enslaved Community, a museum of American history, and a center for constitutional education that engages the public with the enduring legacy of Madison’s most powerful idea: government by the people.
Copyright © 2025 James Madison’s Montpelier