The Presidency in the Early Republic and Today
A Montpelier Seminar for Educators
The President of the United States is the most powerful position in the world, but was it meant to be? This seminar will explore the origins of the presidency, how the Constitutional Convention conceptualized the presidency, how it evolved in the Early Republic, and the precedents the early presidents left for their successors. Article II of the Constitution was an outline of the executive branch, at best. But like all best-laid plans, the ideas about the presidency contained in the Constitution quickly clashed with the demands of governing in the real world. The early presidents, George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, grappled with domestic insurrections, threats of foreign war, endless constitutional questions, cabinet insubordination, partisan tensions, political violence, distrust of a standing army, and territorial expansion. They built the presidency upon the scaffolding crafted by the delegates at the Constitutional Convention. The legacy they left behind is mostly unwritten. Our focus, therefore, will be on the norms, customs, and precedents that determine the powers and limitations of the executive branch. We will consider a series of primary documents and colorful characters to better understand the beginnings of this influential institution and the historic origins of the contemporary moment.