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Constitution Pathway Fundraiser

Earlier this year, Montpelier started much-needed repairs to the walking paths leading from the David M. Rubenstein Visitor Center to and around the House. This work was made possible by The Donald Robertson Fund, founded by Montpelier community members. These new paths have greatly improved the visitor experience and have inspired us to go a step further and reconstruct the pathway in front of the Madisons’ home, now known as the Constitution Pathway.

With your help, We the People, will form a more perfect Constitution Pathway!

To complete this project, the Donald Robertson Fund has generously agreed to do a 1:2 match to help us reach this goal. The Constitution Pathway is 5,630 square feet and will cost $100,000. A donation of $17.51, in honor of President Madison’s birth year, will cover one square foot and then will be matched 2x by the Donald Robertson Fund.

Metal Detector Survey of Barn Site in East Woods