2025 Sponsorship Dolley Madison Legacy Luncheon

The Dolley Madison Legacy Luncheon
In celebration of Dolley Madison’s 257th birthday, please save the date and plan to join us on Tuesday, May 20, 2025 at James Madison’s Montpelier in Orange, VA as we continue our journey to honor Dolley Madison as the “first” First Lady and her many contributions to our country.
This year’s program entitled, “Dolley Madison: The Unifier,” will feature special guest speakers Nancy Kegan Smith and Diana Carlin.
Nancy Kegan Smith is the retired Director of the Presidential Materials Division at the National Archives and Records Administration. She started her career as an archivist at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas and later worked at the National Archives Building in D.C. She first became interested in first ladies as an archivist at the LBJ Library working with Lady Bird Johnson in processing her beautification files. She has authored book chapters on Lady Bird Johnson and Michelle Obama, is co-editor of Modern First Ladies – Their Documentary Legacy and lectures on first ladies and presidential records. She is a founder and President of the First Ladies Association for Research and Education, FLARE.
Diana B. Carlin is professor emerita of communication at Saint Louis University and a retired faculty member and administrator at the University of Kansas. She is currently an adjunct in the School of Public Affairs at American University where she teaches a virtual course on first ladies. Her interest in first ladies began with a biography of Abigail Adams while in elementary school. She is the author of book chapters on Martha Washington, Julia Grant, Lady Bird Johnson, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Michelle Obama. She authored articles for the White House History Quarterly on first ladies and Sesame Street in the White House and on The Generals’ Wives: Martha Washington, Julia Grant, and Mamie Eisenhower. She is a founding member of FLARE and currently serves as vice president. Both Nancy and Diana co-authored with Anita B. McBride the first textbook on first ladies, U.S. First Ladies: Making History and Leaving Legacies, and Remember the First Ladies: The Legacies of America’s History-Making Women.
To that end, we invite you to join us as a Sponsor of the Dolley Madison Legacy Luncheon. After honoring sponsor requests, the remaining seats will be offered when invitations are mailed in late March. The deadline for sponsorships is Monday, March 17, 2025.
Madison Level Sponsorship / $25,000
Benefits include:
A reserved table with seating for ten at the luncheon
Recognition in the luncheon invitation and program
Private summer tour for six at Montpelier and cocktail reception on the Portico
Gift of a Montpelier Family membership for your guests
This gift is tax-deductible in the amount of $22,250.
Museum Level Sponsorship / $10,000
Benefits include:
- A reserved table with seating for ten at the luncheon
- Recognition in the luncheon invitation and program
- Gift of a Montpelier Family membership for your guests
- Private tour and lunch for four at Montpelier
- This gift is tax-deductible in the amount of $7,500
Curator Level Sponsorship / $5,000
Benefits include:
- A reserved table with seating for ten at the luncheon
- Recognition in the luncheon invitation and program
- Gift of a Montpelier Family membership for your guests
- Private tour for four at Montpelier
- This gift is tax-deductible in the amount of $3,050
Collection Level Sponsorship / $2,500
Benefits include:
- Reserved seating for six at the luncheon
- Recognition in the luncheon invitation and program
- This gift is tax-deductible in the amount of $1,450
Research Level Sponsorship / $1,000
Benefits include:
- Reserved seating for four at the luncheon
- Recognition in the luncheon program
- This gift is tax-deductible in the amount of $300