Winter Hours: Open 9am-4pm on February 15 – 17 – Buy Tickets
Starting March 13 open Thursday – Monday

About Montpelier

Montpelier is more than just the home of one of America’s Founding Fathers. It’s a place where we can learn how our Constitution affects our everyday lives. It’s an ongoing archaeological dig that tells us more about 18th century life every day. It’s a destination for anyone who wants to know more about how the thinking of James Madison changed the world.

Acting President and Chief Executive Officer

Krista L. Costello

Our Departments

From research to education to archaeology, our department teams are what make Montpelier a living, breathing exploration of history and knowledge. Read more about each department and contact each team directly.

Our Foundation

Since 1998, the Montpelier Foundation has worked to transform James Madison’s Montpelier from a privately owned estate into a destination for more than 125,000 visitors each year. Learn more about the Foundation and support Montpelier’s future.


Our Board

Made up of individuals with a passion for history and how it relates to the present day, our Board helps steer Montpelier’s course.

The Center For The Constitution

The Robert H. Smith Center for the Constitution provides world-class educational programming, both on-site and online. Participants come from all over the world to engage in civic dialogue, improve their understanding of the founding principles of the United States, and deepen their potential involvement in democracy.

Montpelier is a 501(c)(3) Corporation

As a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation, Montpelier receives no ongoing federal or state funding. Your donation today enables us to share the enduring legacy of James and Dolley Madison, the humanity of the Enslaved Community, and the significance of civic engagement and the U.S. Constitution for generations to come.