Open Daily, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm – Tickets Are Available Online.

Student Field Trips


Onsite Student Field Trips

All students receive a guided tour of Montpelier led by one of our trained educators. Tours are tailored to fit any grade-level and cover many historical topics. 
Teachers can also add up to two guided experiences or educational programs to their field trip, at no additional charge. These programs allow for greater exploration of topics ranging from Madison’s upbringing, to Montpelier’s ongoing archaeological work, from the enslaved community, to the Constitutional Convention.
Group leaders allow 60 minutes for the basic site tour as well as each additional educational program (see below).


Admission is $18 per student. School Staff are free. Adult chaperones tickets are $20 each.
Any additional programs or experiences can be added for an additional fee of $3 per student.


Reservations are required for all onsite or virtual school programs. They are  available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Reservations must be placed in advance.


Contact Emily Stanfill with questions or to make a reservation: or 540.672.2728 x403.

Guided Experiences

Educational Programs


Contact Emily Stanfill with questions or to make a reservation: or 540.672.2728 x403.