Inventory 101
All museums, no matter what size they are, conduct inventories. These can take different forms, from a spot inventory to partial inventories to full, complete inventories. Spot inventories are where you select random objects in the collection and verify their location information. Partial inventories are where you take one section – perhaps a particular exhibit – and verify the location and information for those objects. A full, complete collections inventory is where you go through every single object in your collection and verify its location and information. EVERY SINGLE OBJECT! This ensures that all the objects in your collection are accounted for and gives you a chance to quickly assess their condition. This is particularly important for objects in storage, where you may not see or access them regularly to check on their condition. It’s generally a good idea to conduct a complete inventory every 3-5 years and at Montpelier, we do ours every 5 years.So, Where Do We Start?
At Montpelier, we break down the inventory into the places where our objects are located. So for starting in the house, we break down the house into all the rooms. Generating lists of the objects that are supposed to be in each room from our database, we start systematically working through each object to see if it is accounted for on our list. We do this by first locating the object’s accession number. This is the number that is assigned to the object when it becomes part of the Montpelier Collection and allows us to track the object’s location.

Once all of this information has been collected and entered, we simply start the process over in a new room or location!
So there you have it, the basics of the 2020 Inventory here at Montpelier! With a collection of over 4,300 objects, we still have quite a bit of work ahead of us – but we’ll make sure to update you along the way!
Check out our social media if you’re interested in more behind the scenes content!

Collections Manager
As the Curatorial & Collections Collections Manager, Jenniffer works behind the scenes and beyond the ropes to provide care and maintenance for the entirety of the Montpelier Collections – both on display and off. Jenniffer is passionate about making collections and collections management accessible to the public and loves using the Collections Department Instagram account to highlight pieces of the collections.