Towards a "More Perfect Tour"
History can be an exciting, ongoing process of discovery and understanding, and Montpelier’s Interpretive staff is always digging down, searching for better methods to communicate the vibrant past to visitors in new and innovative ways. The Department of Education and Visitor Engagement is that branch of the Foundation that distills the research and discoveries our colleagues uncover, and then communicates these insights to the public in meaningful and inspiring ways.
Whether the subject of the tour is the classic, keystone Signature Tour, which includes the award winning exhibit, “The Mere Distinction of Colour”; Madison & The Constitution; Montpelier’s Enslaved Community; The Journey from Slavery to Freedom, or myriad Specialty and Private Tours, the goal is always to go further. Continuing training helps the interpretive staff communicate the ongoing legacy of James and Dolley Madison, including his contribution to America’s Constitutional ideals, and the contradictions inherent in the legacy of slavery.
Interpreter Staff Integration
Too often, the personnel at historic sites and museums have been siloed in ways that can be frustrating for both staff and visitors. Once true at Montpelier, the lines between the Visitor Services and Historic Interpretation groups have been erased, enhancing the visitor experience and personnel satisfaction.